Program Set-Up and
how to get the most out of this program
The on-line part of the course is an outline, a stimulation, an inspiration, a training tool, partly designed as a means to flush things out to discuss and tailor to your needs in our calls. ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS AND BE HONEST WITH YOUR FEEDBACK
Start using your tiny notebook JUST FOR BULLET POINTS
of the most important things that you learn or that come up for you at any time.
Have it with you always.
Keep rereading it constantly!
Actually DO this!
Program Setup
If you want the details of the above video in writing,
Download the Program Setup document here
The 12 week (or life)
Download the 12 week Challenge document here
As part of the 12 week challenge, I also recommend as little sugar as possible (as again it is also a stimulant - an addictive one at that), and if possible announce to your social media world that you will be abstinent for a little while...
The fabulous Hourly Reminder App
Download the ‘Hourly Reminder’ app onto your phone and set to hourly reminders for any 'daily practical applications' in the course as I suggest it... "stop", "breathe", "take three deep breaths and smile", "ahimsa"...
It can speak your reminders out loud and it stays active even if you switch off the app, and it ALWAYS notifies. I have it speak to me no matter what, even during calls - It's fabulously annoying - because you can set it so you can't get rid of it - so it actually works!
You might have to switch of airplane mode and battery savings first, switch on the app, then you can switch the others back on again.
You can obviously additionally set it every half hour to remember a breathing exercise, or to do an asana or...
Recommended Reading
These two books are not compulsory, but they are game changers with respect to mental, emotional, behavioural and life transformation. Do not let their lighthearted titles fool you. They are profound beyond belief. And yes, I did write one of them...
For 'Why You don't Need Shoes', you have a pdf, mobi or paperback option
(best book ever 🙂
If you would like fabulous